Yesterday, after worship at mom & dad’s new church, St. Peters in Waymansville, we enjoyed some family time at James & shel’s place. Hope all you dads out there had a great weekend! As you can see, we had quite a crew and a good time.

Yesterday, after worship at mom & dad’s new church, St. Peters in Waymansville, we enjoyed some family time at James & shel’s place. Hope all you dads out there had a great weekend! As you can see, we had quite a crew and a good time.
Ramadan began yesterday. Were you aware? As Christians, how can we rightly observe Ramadan? We can pray. Will you observe this month in prayer? If we are the children of God, we ought to be about His mission. And, if we are the friends of Jesus, we ought to be about His redeeming and reconciliatory work.
This article made me reflect again on how I have too often failed to initiate relationship and conversation with my fellow man. How I have failed to educate myself about the life lived by my neighbor. How I have failed to pray in a revolutionary way. How I have failed to remain attentive to His work at hand. Here’s an excerpt:
What if Christians fervently prayed during the month of Ramadan that God would reveal Himself to Muslims in this time of seeking? What if we covered millions of fasting Muslims with 30 days of intense intercession that something would happen in their spiritual search? Believing in the power of prayer, could we not expect God to respond to our heartfelt burden for the lost millions of the world?
It is tragic that we should be so wrapped up in our self-interests and provincial worldview that we would be indifferent to more than a billion followers of Islam in the world that are dying without Christ, but, perhaps unintentionally, this month are seeking what only He can provide. We are repulsed by a religion that seems to justify terrorism and suicide bombers committed to the destruction of life, but don’t we realize that Jesus is the answer? Rather than hardening our hearts and dismissing their lostness to the judgment of God as something they deserve, we should plead for their hearts to be open to God revealing Himself.
God has given us a great voice in prayer – a voice that, in Jesus, reaches His ear. He is listening. Pray His Spirit on the move and His Kingdom come this Ramadan. Make us bold, Lord.
Here’s a great guide if you’d like some direction.
It’s true.
You can be expecting to see us driving a new vehicle with 3rd row seating.
I’m expecting life to get a little more wild.
Aelah is expecting (hoping for) a sister.
Simeon probably doesn’t quite know what to be expecting.
And, well, Adrienne is simply expecting.
We’ve known for a little while here, but have only just slowly been letting the news out. This little one is at 16 weeks today! We’ve been given a due date of December 4.Together, may we praise God for the life He gives and expect His loving Spirit upon this little child.
NeuBible, with its focus on thoughtful design, is my new go-to Bible app. As excited as I am about the upcoming Bible app update from YouVersion, the speed, intuitiveness, and accessibility of NeuBible far surpass any other app I’ve tried – making it great for Bible studies, services, devotions, and general reading. I will still use YouVersion’s Bible app for reading plans and maybe an occasional verse image, but this is where you’ll find me most often.
It’s important to keep the important things the important things.
I’ve been back in the States for nearly two weeks now. After a short stay in Minneapolis, I made my way to Indiana and family – a good reunion! We’ve had a great time reconnecting with folks whom we’ve not seen in quite some time. As my family passes through your town, your home, or your day, I have been encouraged. Many of you have shared that you were following along with my travels while I was out of country. Thank you for doing so! It is good to know that you are with us and that you pray for our service. I hope you have been encouraged by my random ponderings, the stories I share, and photos from my day. I hope my ramblings have not been too incohorent. I often find that my writing is a way of sorting my thoughts. Happy to have you along for the ride.
I still wrestle with how I’d like to shape this little virtual home on the internet. I hope that I can continue to use it as a place to sort my thoughts, gather memories, share life, and sketch ideas. I’ve enjoyed following John Saddington’s blog. He recently gave up social media and has, in many ways, made his sole online home. I’d like to go a similar route moving forward. Though I won’t likely be leaving Facebook or Twitter soon (as much of my work with the Prayer League demands that I maintain accounts), I do want to work toward posting more updates, links, resourse, quotes, etc. here at rather than on those other platforms. If you’re one of the few email subscribers here, I hope you don’t mind me visiting your inbox a bit more regularly. And, if you’d ever like to suggest a topic on which I might write, drop me a line.
Many thanks to those who visit here! It is great to have you stop by and it is encouraging to know that you are walking alongside us, though it be from afar.
Yesterday, we took an afternoon trip to Hout Bay. We primarily wanted to pray over the community (specifically one of the colored neighborhoods) and seek God’s further guidance for freeWord connections within Cape Town. This was a community that had long ago been identified as a possible connection point for freeWord. Actually, if the compelling Malawi opportunities had not come about over these past years, this is the community in which Dieter and Angi would have desired to begin work in Cape Town. I think God is leading back to this place. We trust in God’s timing and direction. We know it is for some reason that He has led on such a roundabout path. We consider that He may very well still have some place for Malawi alongside this work of freeWord. What work of preparation He has been about, we may not soon know. Please, join us in prayer for these neighborhoods in Hout Bay. May a word of truth be spoken here mad find welcome in the hearts of those here. It is a neighborhood that is under an economic burden and sees a deal of crime. May healing come. We are looking to attend Sunday service this weekend in the neighborhoods. May God provide good connections and foundations for further relationship.
The video here shows us driving along the fringes of the neighborhood, trying to find the right road that’d lead us through.
This trip is the first I have ever been south of the equator. Strangely, the thing I have found most disorienting has been the arc of the sun. Though the sun still traces the sky from east to west, it does so in the north. I have yet to register this naturally. There is still computing to be done when figuring north or figuring south. A touch maddening, really.
This was from our first days in Cape Town, but I have just now been able to upload it. Enjoy the ride!
Matthew 7:24-25
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
During our first days in Cape Town, while Dieter and I were considering the task ahead of us (i.e., charting a fresh course for freeWord), an image came into my mind.
It is an image fitting for the development of freeWord in the context of Southern Africa, for the necessary transitions that are upon the fellowship in Minneapolis and beyond, and, I think, for all Christians at all times.
As there may still be lack of understanding (or even misunderstanding) of what precisely freeWord is, allow me to frame it briefly. In short, freeWord might be distilled as that which happens while gathering together around the foundational and transformational Word of God that we might prayerfully live Word-shaped lives engaged in and moved for the mission of God. It is nothing new, really – simply the Spirit-led life together in, under, and on the Word. It looks a lot like the meeting of Church and Kingdom.
This is the picture that came to my mind: Regarding sub-Saharan Africa, though past missionaries have spoken the word of Truth, they have also allowed the building of a “home” unsuitable, in many ways, for the African. There now must come a deconstruction and renovation – the building of a home (ever upon the sure foundation of God’s Word) that might be suitable for the current needs of Africa.
In the same way, the church and institutions of the West (WMPL included), must be rebuilt for the changing tides of time. The shape and function of our fellowship must be hewn from a vision that might rise to meet the needs surrounding us today.
This life together in Christ is most certainly needed the world ’round. Church bodies, mission agencies, and other institutions have, in obedience to the Word of Christ, built such great and grand structures upon the foundation of Christ, which have indeed throughout time, served as outposts of heaven amidst the heavy gales of a fallen world. These “homes” we’ve built have been a center from which we disperse, engaging the world about us, and as a refuge to which we retreat in times of turmoil. In them and through them, we seek restoration and life.
We now, again, come upon a time when we must reassess these “homes” we’ve built. Though designed properly and well for a certain time, place, and people, the form and function has been found wanting in our changing environs.
Deconstruction. Renovation.
This image has been in my head quite consistently as we traveled South Africa. Blueprints to be drawn up. Groundwork to be laid. The other day over breakfast, I asked Dieter if he had any favorite Bible passages regarding buildings. He mentioned how God is rarely, if ever, concerned about our temporal buildings. In fact, there is quite often talk of the throwing down of such structures. Our God is interested in the dwelling – that He might be among us and that we might be with Him.
1 Peter 2:4-5
Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:5-23
For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
Andrew Murray, The Spirit of Christ
In the will of God, carried out by man, God finds a Home. God comes down to dwell in the obedience of His people.
Lord, remind us that listening precedes obedience. Teach us to build. Oh, that You might find us faithful. Dwell in the midst of us.
I’ve posted a good number of times regarding the spiritual journey we’ve been navigating in recent days. I’ve not done much to give you a glimpse of the culture I’m encountering here in South Africa. Here are a few points of interest that immediately come to mind:
Ever been to South Africa? What cultural items do you most recall? Anything I should keep an eye out for before leaving?
We have left Kroonstad and are en route to Cape Town. Some days ago, as we were sensing God’s strong guidance toward a turnaround, we were sent the following word from a friend in Malawi:
1 Corinthians 16:5-9
I will come to you after I pass through Macedonia — for I will be traveling through Macedonia — and perhaps I will remain with you or even spend the winter, so that you may send me on my way wherever I go. I don’t want to see you now just in passing, for I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord allows. But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, because a wide door for effective ministry has opened for me — yet many oppose me.
I think I’ve said it before, but it has seemed so evident that God intends our return to Cape Town. Oh, that He might make fruitful the time we will have there.
It sounds as if Ewald, Bronwyn and Sophie will join friends for a time on the coast prior to their return. We hope to spend more time with them next week.
Don’t remember what I last wrote regarding our vehicle. It is still in need of repair. The mechanic in Kroonstad repaired the alternator and found that repairs in the rear differential were also not properly done. We will have the shop in Cape Town make right on this once we return. This means we will be looking for a temp vehicle during our first few days back. We also have yet to sort out accommodation.
Tonight we stay at River of Peace, a quaint campground near Bloemfontein. Tomorrow, we’ll make leg two of the journey and arrive on Tuesday. We’d considered loading the vehicle on a train, but think it should be able to get us back without great incident. Extra diff oil is on standby.
Thank you again for following along with our journey. May this coming week find you well!
Proverbs 16:9
A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
This is a verse that Chuck regularly brought before us during recent meetings in deliberation and discernment of the next steps for freeWord. In recent days, we have indeed found it to ring true in our hearts, minds, and the daily happenings about us.
Our God is one of wonder and mystery. He resides just as much in the veiled as in the unveiled. His ways are so often beyond us.
At this point, any productive and fruitful trip into Malawi has being squeezed out by time. The alternator on the vehicle has been repaired, but we’ve been informed that previous repairs to the rear differential have proved insufficient. We hope to limp back to Cape Town and return to the mechanic so that he might make good on his work. The reality is, having no reliable vehicle, we are unable to reach Malawi.
And, beyond such practical concerns, we are increasingly convinced that God intends a return to Cape Town for the laying of groundwork for freeWord in and from that place.
We have received a consensus of affirmation that such a course of action seems good and right. Both of our families, along with a few close prayer supporters encourage us toward Cape Town. God is turning us around. I think we aim to depart on Sunday. For what purpose He brought us here to Kroonstad, to see a vehicle broken and Sophie hospitalized, we may never know. I do know this, He has been faithful to care for us amidst the storm. We can only imagine the outcomes had we broken down even 30 more kilometers down the road or in the middle of Zimbabwe. He has cared for Sophie. He has cared for us. We have been welcomed by such a lovely couple. Eddie and Jeane have wholly opened their home and hearts to us strange and weather-beaten travelers. We are so grateful! Through it all, He has proven faithful. We may not know His ways, but we know Him – and we know Him to be faithful.
Here is an abridged overview of how we intend to occupy our time upon this return to Cape Town:
Already during our time together, we have gathered together a number of thoughts and considerations regarding practical steps for freeWord. Pray that we might find a vehicle and accommodation upon our return to Cape Town. May God guide us as we look to faithfully steward this time and opportunity with which we’ve been graced. May He lead you to steward the same.
Please join in prayer for our freeWord team during this trip. You may have read that our vehicle failed us yesterday –