It is days like these that we are thrust upon the reality of our mortality. It is days like these that we remember victory has been won in Jesus. We grieve with the Bolden family, we remember a life heartily lived well, and we rejoice over the new life Stephen has come upon. Holding these words […]
Category / Family

Fathers’ Day at the Rockhill Ranch
Yesterday, after worship at mom & dad’s new church, St. Peters in Waymansville, we enjoyed some family time at James & shel’s place. Hope all you dads out there had a great weekend! As you can see, we had quite a crew and a good time.

It’s true. You can be expecting to see us driving a new vehicle with 3rd row seating. I’m expecting life to get a little more wild. Aelah is expecting (hoping for) a sister. Simeon probably doesn’t quite know what to be expecting. And, well, Adrienne is simply expecting. We’ve known for a little while here, but have only […]
Daddy/Daughter Date
Even though we have much to keep us busy in prep for the summer, we also had opportunity enjoy this weekend. On Saturday, Aelah and I had a daddy/daughter date downtown, where we explored a new playground on the Greenway, dropped into WordCamp and met Michael (a friend I’d met online during the Pressgram project, […]
Easter 2015
This is one of those post with just a load of photos. Didn’t capture everything. Just a glimpse – so, here you go …
Three Years
Our little girl turned three this weekend. If you’ve not yet had a child of your own grow to the age of three, let me tell you that three years pass like the blink of an eye (and a thousand years are as a day). I can’t help but thinking that taking a similar journey four more […]
Meeting & Celebration
This past weekend members of the WMPL fellowship gathered together in prayer during our annual meeting and celebration. After some light refreshments, we began in worship by singing Come, Thou Almighty King and Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me. A number of our missionaries were able to join us and give brief reports on the work […]
Joyfully Scattered Days
This new year has brought with it some good direction, clarity, and motivation for me personally, but we still have some scatteredness in our lives. Case in point, this weekend, Aelah sported an owl puppet mitten since we could only locate one of her mittens. It was a good and full weekend! Friday afternoon, I joined […]
The Christmas We Were All Ill
We traveled to Indiana during the days surrounding Christmas. You may have heard that it was quite an adventure – it was! Simeon came down with a fever the evening before our departure. He went downhill quickly and began to take Aelah with him. After powering through a joyful gathering with my siblings at Lakeview, we spent […]
Holiday Fellowship
We had a weekend full of fellowship and holiday happenings. Friday Adam, Pascal, Jenna, and I joined a small gathering of folks at Mary Bull’s home for a chili dinner and a time of worship in song. It’s been quite some time since we’ve had opportunity for that – such a wonderful time. And many […]

V Anniv.
With thanksgiving, here’s to five years of marriage … whether we are slinking away to Stillwater for a weekend getaway (while our kids are in the excellent care of our good friends Dave & Carly) where massages, a downtown walk, and a Victorian bed & breakfast await replete with breakfast in bed and other extremely comfy […]
Digital Disaster
These past couple weeks have been rough when it comes to the digital realm and me. If work didn’t demand it, I would probably not be on speaking terms with most of the devices in our home … maybe I’d go bury them in the snow. I may have already mentioned my phone – for […]

We've Moved (Again) & Other Assorted Happenings
Well … appears it has now been two months since we last wrote. We’ve been trudging through time, it seems. There have been a number of joys, but certainly no lack of stresses. We’ve welcomed a few visitors. Ed & Cori routed themselves and Hodor through the Cities for a brief visit. Papa & Nana […]

Since our family’s return from Indiana, I’ve encountered a good deal of unproductivity. A full day’s work has been quite elusive. At least no full day according to what I’ve come to know as a standard day in the Prayer League office. Repairing the jeep, mending crippled servers, and any number of other things has interrupted normal operations. […]