Our little girl turned three this weekend. If you’ve not yet had a child of your own grow to the age of three, let me tell you that three years pass like the blink of an eye (and a thousand years are as a day). I can’t help but thinking that taking a similar journey four more times will bring her to the age of 15 – only four more times!
We had an informal gathering at the mission home with an ice cream bar, some punch, and a few veggies. We were able to connect with a number of our family via appear.in. Before bed, we opened a few gifts and had pink cake. Many thanks to all who sent greetings, cards, gifts and to those who made for a joyous day for this girl.
Happy birthday, Aelah! We love you! Jesus loves you!
- Classy.
- The Golden Feather
- Pink cake.
I wish I could’ve been there in person! However, it was wonderful through today’s technology to sing Happy Birthday with you and watch her blow out candles. What an excited little girl…she’s gone from a few words to talking non-stop in the blink-of-an-eye! Yes, Adrienne and Joshua, time does fly. Enjoy each moment with your precious daughter!