
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Author / Joshua Vandercar

Lenten Prep at Bethel

I’ve been trying to write this week. As I’ve mentioened, our pastor is on sabbatical. In his absence, I was asked to facilitate our midweek Lenten services and to use the opportunity to introduce our congregation to World Mission Prayer League and to explore the way of the cross from the perspective of an international […]

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Photo courtesy of Jim Nash

National Prayer Breakfast

This past weekend during our Bible class at Bethel, we had a conversation which I wish could have been had in every Christian gathering around our country. Our pastor (currently on sabbatical) and a few other individuals connected to Bethel, the Prayer League, LINC – Twin Cities, and other ministries in the area were privileged to join […]

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Staff Retreat to Mount Carmel

This past weekend, our staff took time to retreat to Mount Carmel in Alexandria, Minnesota. It was a restful time. We discussed the topic of transitions, joined in worship, played games, broke bread, and partook in a number of antics. Aelah enjoyed her first taste of Jell-O. I missed her first look at it and […]

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Jesus Feared God

Isaiah 11:1-5 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. His […]

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Clarifying 72° & freeWord

Our friends, Dieter and Angi, have had a passion for bringing the word of God to the people of Africa. Being from South Africa, they are positioned well to move in response to this call. They have, for some time, been fleshing out their vision through the 72° initiative and a method they call freeWord. […]

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Vying for Authority

Disregarding God I have recently happened upon two things. Both are unsettling and both, in some sense, disregard the authority of Scripture. One, in looking to preserve the authority of scripture takes an extreme in which an attempt is made to confine the work of the Spirit among us. The other simply embraces a blatant disregard for the […]

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Hello Old Friends!

Seeking Counsel I’ve found that with the itinerant life I lived for 15 years or so, it can often be difficult to connect and secure counsel from close friends. I’m attempting to map the past years, better grasp my current position, and seek clarity for what might stretch ahead. I’d greatly appreciate your assistance. We […]

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How I Will Tweet in 2015

  I first joined Twitter in June 2012 and I don’t think I’ve yet left the nest. I can’t remember why I first joined. I think it was because I knew my work at WMPL would require a personal presence on the platform. Like any novice to a social site, my first year was littered […]

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How the Sun Was Brough Back to the Sky Cover

How a Book Was Brought Back to My Memory

I’m not quite certain how or why the memory of this book came to mind over the past weeks, but I am most pleased that it has. During a recent Twitter conversation, I was asked for children’s book suggestions and it again entered my mind. I do know that the memory came only as a hazy recollection […]

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List of verses

Navigating Decisions With Spiritual Discernment

Have you ever read an article that just stuck? Years ago, while working at Camp Lutherhaven, I was introduced to Discipleship Journal, a now retired NavPress publication. In one issue, there was an article about the voice of God and how we can best tune our ear to hear Him. After having read the article, I jotted the […]

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This Year

Dave & JJ Heller wrote a song for the new year. They asked folks to cover it. Here’s my contribution. The God who was faithful last year will again and ever be faithful this year. Remember, adventures await in these fields that we know.

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How I Plan to Check My Email

In the days leading up to 2015, I undertook a massive overhaul of my email and task management. I’ve already begun to see returns. Previously Since beginning work at the Prayer League, I had been using a single Gmail account to manage both personal and work messages. Three active accounts were being funneled into a […]

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Joyfully Scattered Days

This new year has brought with it some good direction, clarity, and motivation for me personally, but we still have some scatteredness in our lives. Case in point, this weekend, Aelah sported an owl puppet mitten since we could only locate one of her mittens. It was a good and full weekend! Friday afternoon, I joined […]

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