We’ve been traveling of late.
In July I joined a crew from Bethel in visiting the community of Cat Lake, Ontario. (which reminds me that I need to request an edit on my passport) Oddly enough, it was the first time I left the country since having returned from New Dawn’s visit to Hong Kong during the summer of ’08. The visit to Cat Lake was wonderfully blessed. A busy week, to be sure, but wonderfully filled with divine encounters. Our primary purpose was to meet with the children and offer the message of Jesus by way of daily Bible school. In addition to this, we were able to (re)connect with adults and youth in the community. The stories are many. Each evening, we held a devotion over the local radio (complete with worship and prayer). One evening, we joined a few kids at softball practice. There is certainly a weight upon this community and the darkness has done its best to strangle any hope that might rise. But hope is a resilient thing and it is on the move in many hearts. Pray that God might be present in powerful ways for the glory of His name.
- Boarding in Sioux Lookout
- Everyone loves a guitar
- Along the path
- Running!
- Church road
We recently returned from a family trip to Indiana. It had been quite a while since we’d visited (since Christmas). Over the past few years, we’ve aimed to make it back to family three to four times per year. However, this year has not seen as many trips. I suppose it may well be due to the fact that we now have two children. Things apparently change with kids. 🙂 It was a joy to see family and to see Aelah & Simeon together with their cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Many thanks to those who gave us a place to say and a meal to eat! Our apologies if we missed seeing you during this trip.
- The sink.
- New dress from Nana Steph
- Finally found a dog she’d hold.
- At the pool with Grammy Cheryl
- At Nana & Papa’s lake place.
- She enjoyed going fast!
- Fishing with Grandpa T
- Good times at the lake.
- All the way to Minneapolis.
I can’t help but think about this song, as we returned to Minneapolis with the kids. Enjoy they remainder of summer. We are off for a camping trip this weekend.