
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Easter Day

Life! This day reminds us that we Christians ought to live as resurrection people, for we have a God that raises people from the dead! He is victorious. He is risen.

We had a wonderful day at Bethel and a blessed time of fellowship with Grammy Cheryl, Michael, Christa, and the Waits. Here’s a few glimpses at the day.

In the Church

Prepping for Good Friday service this evening, we were to give Aelah a bath. If you haven’t heard, she’s begun talking (still with much babbling). So, in talking of church and baths, she asked, “Bubbles in the church?” When she caught us laughing, she kept on, “Bubbles in the church?” Then later “Jamas in the church?” “Monkey in the church?” “Pastor Seabaugh in the church?” “Cross in the church?” Excepting bubbles, we saw these things in church tonight.

So, what would you like to see in church?

The Light Breaking Through

I took a walk late this afternoon and decided to check the backside of the coach house. We recently had a partial collapse of a wall shared by the Prayer League and our neighboring organization. It calls for quite a restoration. Only after taking this photo did I notice the light breaking through. Pray that even in this unfortunate situation, God’s light might break through finding opportunity to make His glory known. And pray for our properties manager, as he works to resolve the issue.

I also saw these apartment buildings during my walk. Had to stop and get a picture. Reminded me that there is much of this city that I have yet to experience. I’m looking forward to the warmer weather and hope I can keep myself to task about biking to work regularly. A great opportunity to drink in the beauty of the city.

We’ve also been spending time with Adrienne’s grandparents. They arrived Monday afternoon and have been having a joyous time with Aelah and Simeon. Now, on into the week!

To Beard Or Not To Beard

72º BeardThat is maybe not ‘the’ question, but it is ‘a’ question. And an annual question, at that. I seem to ask myself this same thing every year when holy week rolls ’round. I know … an odd question, especially for the likes of holy week. And, in actuality, it doesn’t often take too much thought to determine that I will shave my beard come the night before Easter. Though, there is always the hesitation. It’s become somewhat of a ritual these past few years. Grow, grow, grow in the depths of winter. Then start anew come Easter. I consider it of some spiritual symbolism, I suppose. The resurrection we recognize on Easter ushers in a freshening and a newness. When the whiskers fall and my bare skin senses the subtlest breeze, I’m reminded of the revitalizing that has come with spring.

Yet, just weeks ago, we had a strong wind, and I was able to feel the force of it caught in my beard for the first time. That was a pretty solid experience and made me certainly reconsider whether I should bid my beard farewell this year.

Oh, and did I ever tell you I wrote a simple beard song? (This was a year or two ago). I have yet to record it, but here’s the lyrics …

My beard holds bits of bread and barley
When I’m at a meal – when I’m at a party
My beard holds bits of bread and barley
My beard, my beard

My beard unites me with my brother
With he that feasts – with he that hungers
My beard unites me with my brother
My beard, my beard

And, I must tell you, there is some strange truth to that second verse. It’s a wonder what social walls a beard can break through these days.

So, what do you think? Shall I continue to beard or not to beard?

On Hiding Images

Many themes these days have a tendency to prominently feature the featured image of a post. This is good. They are fulfilling their purpose. However, during development of the Pressgram plugin, I came to find that there was a demand, especially in the realm of photoblogging, to strip the image from the post content in favor of allowing the theme to prominently display the image. The post content, then, would serve only as a caption, or supplement, for the featured image.

Currently, the Pressgram plugin has an option to strip the first image from a post. I don’t think this is the ideal solution for handling post content. For what happens some day when the theme is switched to one that would be better served by the image residing in the post content? It would be a laborious task to re-insert every image.

So, how can this be handled? If you visit the photo archive on this site, you will notice that featured images are displayed alongside the text content of each photograph post. However, if you enter a single photo post, you will see the images still present in the actual post content. Here, the theme does nothing with the featured image.

Single posts showing full content … the archive loop stripping images … how can this be done? The easy way would be to add some simple css styling, hiding post images when on the archive page. .entry-content img {display:none;}

This works. Unfortunately, images are still served to the browser, slowing the page’s load time.

A better solution is to dynamically strip the images from the post content after it has been queried from the database and before it is served to the browser. And so, I am employing the following function:

function uamv_strip_images( $content, $placeholder = '' ) {
    return preg_replace( '/(<a[^>]*>)*<img[^>]*>(</a>)*/sim', $placeholder, $content );

Then, whether you identify photo posts via an image post format or a custom post type, you will be able to properly call this function in your theme. In my case, I post photos as a custom post type of photograph. Thus, I modify content.php to strip images in certain instances:

if ( post_type_archive( 'photograph' ) ) {
    uamv_strip_images( get_the_content() ) );

Now, when the post type archive for photographs is displayed, all images have been removed from post content while keeping the original post content intact.

You will also notice that the function uamv_strip_images also allows for a placeholder to be inserted where images have been stripped. Could be useful in certain situations.

I considered using this approach for the Pressgram plugin, but it would be quite difficult to accommodate the various theme environments, so we will probably forego that change. Hope you might find use for some slick image stripping.

Code on!

Remembering Baptism

There is a wonder in every way of God. We remember His work wrought in the water two years ago today.

It is Aelah’s baptism birthday today. Baptism is one of several, beautiful, God-ordained mysteries that has always tripped me up a bit. Mysteries are like that.

This beautiful, simple splashing of water and this speaking of God’s Word, and, miraculously…

God is there.

Father. Son. Spirit. –all there.

Adoption happens.

Forgiveness happens.

Death happens.

And then…inexplicably…life begins.

How does it work? I’ve no idea. Many questions remain…but I take it to heart when God tells us He is working in it…

So, we baptize.

So, we celebrate.

So, we share with our children the mystery, wonder, and blessing of God.

One Contemplative Moment

Once upon a rare moment, you are ushered into a place where reality is inescapable.

This morning, for but a few minutes, I (and others) had opportunity to video chat with the Doyle family (Dieter, Angi, Jarryd, Ashley, Judah) and the team they are guiding into an experience of disciple-making mission from their home of South Africa, through Botswana and Zambia, and into Malawi. Those moments this morning stuck me square in the face of reality. As others conversed and prayed, I was met with a familiar longing (maybe something reminiscent of a calling).

Remember New Dawn? It’s odd. Then and now, it is a calling, not to some specific task or duty, not to some specific place or people group, but to partnership and relationship.

I joined New Dawn (Dave, Carly, Jenny, Luke) after having led them through one month of mission preparation and an additional week of travel on the road. Thinking back, I must consider that God’s nudge to a third year of service with Youth Encounter was so much less about a ministry program with an organization I had come to love, and so much more about the individuals with whom I would walk the way of the cross. It was a call to relationship.

Dieter, Angi, & Simeon

Dieter, Angi, & Simeon

Being in the presence of the Doyle family again (even if only by the wonders of modern technology), sobered me from the stupor of the mundane. I realized, without a doubt, that I miss these folks. Our connections to the Prayer League were forged about the same time of 2012 and since then, we’ve been slowly growing to know one another. Apart from my parents, they were the first to meet Simeon, trekking to the hospital only hours before they were to catch a flight home to South Africa. We’ve camped together, drank a good deal of coffee together, ate Seder together, and walked along together exploring the stranger ways of our faith.

I remember when Dieter and I first met to collaborate and wrestle with the thoughts that had been resounding in his head and which resonated with my own spirit. We walked to a local coffee shop … and, I only realize this now as I write —  I returned to that exact chair this afternoon, and, though distracted by other tasks, my intent was to put words to these thoughts. That my friends, is crazy. Signs … everywhere signs. It seems when they come, they often come in force. God has a way about that. Even at that time, when we first met, I sensed that God might well be knitting a partnership for mission. Ever since, even, there has been a purpose percolating in the midst of our fellowship.

I sense it more and more each day. This morning, in one contemplative moment, I was truly thrust into wonder at what God might have planned for the coming days.

Pray with our family, as we continue to listen and discern. And pray for the Doyles and the rest of the freeWord team, as they soon embark on a journey to Malawi.

J.R.R. Tolkien
The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with weary feet, until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then?  I cannot say.

Lord, lead on. Amen.

Honing Skills

Reconstructing the Dining Room

Reconstructing the Dining Room

As you can see from the image and the video, Aelah has been busy honing her skills and exercising both sides of her brain. This morning she was reconstructing the layout of our dining room. Whether she had the mind toward interior design or architectural drafting is yet to be determined.

And last night, as I pulled my guitar out for the first time in quite a long time, she took perch upon the piano chair and crooned.

She’s exploring and beginning to enjoy the subtle change in seasons. She and mommy are both ready for some outdoor adventures.

Retreat & Focus

These past two weekends, we have had opportunity for fellowship with folks within the Prayer League community. Both weekends saw us at camps. Last weekend, we traveled to Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp in Iowa for the annual Okoboji mission event and heard stories from our fellow workers serving throughout the world. It was a generationally diverse group that had gathered. You could say we had a happy time, as these kids so adorably tell …

Did you see Aelah asking for more at the end. You can now hear her say every so often, when she’s thinking of this song, “More. Jesus.” Too, too cute. May this be the desire of us all.

This past weekend was spent at Mount Carmel in Alexandria, MN with a number of other individuals from our home office staff. Our Pastor was also able to attend and lead us through a look at discipleship as laid out in the book of Matthew. We investigated what it means to live a life worthy of the calling and how, in baptism, we are called to, commissioned for, and coached in the way of the cross. The work of our Triune God – Father, Son, Spirit – is evidenced in the baptism of Jesus and, as His followers, we enter into the same waters that mark us with an identity and direct us in our Kingdom work.


Winter On

Winter is still on here in Minnesota. I had to take the Jeep in for repair this morning. The Check Engine light is now returning multiple codes. Took the bus back to the office after dropping the Jeep at Nghia’s. My walk took me by the sculpture garden. A beautiful sight to see fresh snow falling, even if it ought to be spring. It was also the first time I used the walking bridge toward Loring Park.

There is a path that leads from this place to the next. Lord, center me and lead me on to a destination that might bring glory to Thy name. Until the sunshine and the tress bud anew, let us winter on and find strength in You.

The Bibliotaphic Church

I was introduced to a new word this morning …

One of my first thoughts upon reading this tweet was that Western Christianity has, in too many ways, nurtured and perpetuated the existence of a bibliotaphic church.

We look to lock the Word away. We seemingly shackle the Spirit.

Do you not yet know? The wonders and words of God Almighty can not be contained – not by the likes of us mortal men, not by the structures of this world, not by any spiritual beings, nor by the heavens themself.

It is a fruitless task to tame the Word of God. His wonders and words will endure to all ages.

If I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot. — Jeremiah 20:9

Pulling Down Walls

As much as I enjoy poking around the admin of a WordPress site (especially now, as I begin to learn more and more about development), I have just been provided with a tool that will allow me to blog with greater ease. Oftentimes, as I sit down and attempt to write, I find myself distracted by some administrative task that may, or may not, need immediate attention. This tool, however, removes those distractions. I can simply write and not be drawn into a rabbit hole by some quirky way in which the WordPress admin doesn’t quite suit my needs. My mind then begins thinking on a fix … at that point, my creative moment is hi-jacked by technical thoughts.

Desk Publishing Machine.

I have been provided with a pre-alpha build for development testing. This is a new product from John Saddington, developer of Pressgram. It is birthed from the same philosophy as that which brought about Pressgram – digital publishing should be simple.

So, what does this mean for me? I will have opportunity to post distraction-free more regularly and will be partnering with a team of individuals to provide feedback for this application. What does this mean for you? You’ll get to hear from me more often in the upcoming days.

We are in the business of pulling down walls and obstacles to online communication. Will you join us? Visit and for more info on these fun projects and folks I’ve fallen in with.

Members: Caps Lock

WordPress LogoYou may have been aware that, during the past year, I have been plunging somewhat headlong into WordPress development and making a few connections within the community. It’s been exciting and fun, and to be honest, a little addictive. I’ve learned that turning a concept to code can prove to be a complex task. There is always a problem to solve, and the mathman in me seems to thrive on that. For some time, I’ve considered the possibility of posting a blog now and then about my coding exploits. I’m certain I’ve tallied well over a thousand google searches for code snippets, tutorials, tips, and code definitions. So, here we go. I figure this may be a good place to start. Here’s a simple solution for a simple problem. (Note to family & friends: the rest of this post is technical.)

I’ve been registering a good number of custom post types on the World Mission Prayer League site and have begun managing access to these via the Members plugin by Justin Tadlock. After manually and repeatedly adding capabilities to the roles, I determined I needed to automate the process. Thus, the following few lines of code. This should soon be has been released to the plugin repository as Members: Caps Lock. Enjoy!

 * Plugin Name: Members: Caps Lock
 * Description: Adds registered CPT capabilities to Members plugin capabilities list
 * Author: UaMV
 * Author URI:
 * Version: 1.0
 * License: GPL2+

// add caps to members plugin list
function capslock_add_capabilities( $capabilities ) {

	// get CPTs as objects
	$post_types = get_post_types( array( '_builtin' => FALSE ), 'objects' );

	foreach ( $post_types as $post_type => $post_type_object ) {

		// push each CPT capability to members capabilities
		foreach ( $post_type_object->cap as $meta_cap => $cap ) {
			$capabilities[] = $cap;


	// get custom taxonomies as objects
	$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( '_builtin' => FALSE ), 'objects' );

	foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $taxonomy_object ) {

		// push each taxonomy capability to members capabilities
		foreach ( $taxonomy_object->cap as $meta_cap => $cap ) {
			$capabilities[] = $cap;


	return $capabilities;

add_filter( 'members_get_capabilities', 'capslock_add_capabilities' );
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