
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Four Screens, a Sanctuary, & the 'Worship Experience'

Over the past few months I have assisted in the installation of flat screen TVs in our sanctuary. When it comes to music, our congregation has long been nurturing an attitude of self-sacrificial worship in lieu of the self-preferential worship that is so prevalent in churches and so I am hopeful that this technological change during our gathering will be welcomed with little ado.

Bethel Screens

During the first Sunday of use, Prepare the Way was leading the congregation in worship. Thus, I didn’t experience the new view as a congregant. This past Sunday, however, our family settled into the pew and I placed my printed order of service next to me. There it remained for the duration of the morning. I can’t say that I like the new look of the sanctuary, but following the service, I had determined that I appreciated these few things:

The Technological Benefit

Having screens does expand the possibilities for engaging the congregation during our time together. Note that I don’t speak in regards to entertainment or presentation, but rather engaging and equipping for worship of God. Also, the wired sanctuary eliminates most preparation that our pastor and teams would normally have tended to prior to the service when we desired to project a video or some other digital media element.

The Psychological Benefit

Have you ever wrestled a sheep in a rainstorm while trying to read a book? Neither have I. But, I think it gives you a decent picture of what it’s like to contain a toddler for an hour during this thing we call a worship service. Not having to handle an order of service and a child is quite freeing and proffers a touch of sanity.

The Financial Benefit

One factor that directed Bethel’s decision to proceed with installing screens was that of stewardship. I think we will likely be aiming to phase out most printing that must happen for our services. After the cost of the equipment has been recouped, these monies will be freed up for other ministry.

The Spiritual Benefit

It’s a minor thing, but with hymn lyrics fed to me via the screen, I was able to sing as we processed forward for communion. It seems some of my favorite hymns may be those that are set for this portion of the service. Thus, this was a joy and something for which I am grateful.

Now, if you were to ask me whether four screens enhance or detract from the worship experience, I’d likely say little more than, “It’s nice.” Remember, worship is not about our experience. It is about the glory of God and the lifting of His name. So, whatever my experience, or whatever your experience, I only hope and pray that these new tools might be used for the glory of His holy name. And such was our prayer of dedication this past Sunday.

What do you think? Do you utilize screens (or other recent technological tools) in your church building? In what ways have they detracted from the life of your congregation in fellowship and service to the Kingdom? How have they benefited your life together?

This Is Why I Tweet

Several months ago, I began writing a post titled Social Media Migration, in which I was outlining why I have begun engaging more with folks on Twitter and less with those on Facebook. Among the first reasons listed were a simple & clean interface, focused functionality, content control, and speed.

As yesterday came to a close, I realized that one of the main reasons I now turn to Twitter is the diversity of insights gleaned, interests exercised, and resources presented. In its purest form, Twitter is about simple conversation. Just yesterday and today, I was able to carry on the following mini-conversations: (click the Tweet date to view the full conversation)


Personal Life




When this tool is stewarded well, you can see micro-communication at its best. So, what do you say? Ready to escape the noise of Facebook? Come join me on Twitter.

Many thanks to my tweeps!


Since our family’s return from Indiana, I’ve encountered a good deal of unproductivity. A full day’s work has been quite elusive. At least no full day according to what I’ve come to know as a standard day in the Prayer League office. Repairing the jeep, mending crippled servers, and any number of other things has interrupted normal operations. Frustrating as this may seem, I’ve been trying to remind myself that such is the way of work. Wherever God has me and whatever He has for me to do today, I will do my best to embrace.

I replaced the radiator on our ’95 Cherokee, but just yesterday the Jeep began hiccuping after entering 4th gear. Thoughts on that?

Whether it be software conflicts, aging machines, wonky routers, or whatever, the office network has been going haywire, shutting down our website at times. Prayers for patience, please.

We’ve recently discovered lead in our home. Some weeks ago, Simeon tested high, so we’ve been investigating and have encountered positive results on the front porch, back stairway, and the kitchen. We have decided to move, for the time being, to the Philippines (not the country – the Mission Home room) until some repairs may be had.

Though I’m scattered, Jesus centers. Lord, lead on.

And, thankfully, we have still found family time.

Please, ask the Lord that He might provide for our every need this day and that He might guide and direct us in whatever is laid ahead.

He Must …

Even as Christians, we are prone to look upon our God and wonder, not so much in awe, but in confusion. We may see the world about us and question His sovereignty, our relationship, or any number of other things. Simple trust may seem elusive.

“He must not really be a loving God. Look at all the bad that happens in this world.”

“He must be a harsh God to let unbelievers know His wrath.”

“He must not care for me that much. Life has been so hard in recent days.”

“He must not really be listening when I pray.”

“He must …”

If you find yourself uttering such words, cease. Wrest your faith from the throes of self-consciousness and doubt. Set your eyes on Jesus – joining John the Baptist, declaring:






He must increase, but I must decrease.







We spent Saturday night at Whitewater State Park in Altura, MN. This destination had been recommended to us on various occasions and we’d been hoping to get there for the past two to three years. Many thanks to Micah & Christine who reserved a site for the night. Unfortunately, they were unable to make it down, so we had to go it alone. It was also only our first opportunity to get camping this summer; thus, it was Simeon’s first camping experience! A wonderful, yet wearying, weekend!

His Story Unites Us

For nearly 50 years, Youth Encounter has partnered with Christian communities to strengthen youth ministry. Today, we are able to look back on and celebrate countless stories of transformation within the lives of young people, families, churches, and communities. These are the stories of God at work among His people. Through all, runs the thread of the love of Jesus. It is this thread that unites us. Each of us – parent, pastor, host family, youth, alumni, staff, or stranger – has, at some point, sensed the ensuing wonder among us. United in Christ, we are privileged to be a fellow worker with God!

Fireside Fellowship

In recent years, despite volunteer shortage, low-level giving, and a semi-static ministry model, God has continued to author stories great and small amidst the Youth Encounter community. And now, if you turn your ear toward Minnesota, you might hear a rustling as the page is turned and the pen is set to scratching a new chapter. With visionary leadership, renewed vigor, and the passion for youth ministry that has long defined the organization, Youth Encounter is on the move. In faith (and not with little risk), they are implementing a comprehensive and strategic plan that responds to the great changes sweeping society and church.

Earlier this week, I joined the Youth Encounter staff in morning prayer. Next week, I will join in worship with a crew of young people entering into team ministry. God is at work – as He always has been. If ever there were a time to push for the work of YE, it is now. If you value your past or present involvement with Youth Encounter, I ask that you join the ranks of those who are working to see the story of Jesus told anew in lives of our youth.



Do you have YE-related memories that, like a flash of passing light, seize your attention still? Stop, settle your mind, and you may recall a wonder-filled moment when God granted you a glimpse of true reality and His Kingdom come near. Need help? Consider these Youth Encounter team journals from 2002-2009. (Republished below by permission of Youth Encounter.)

View past team journals.


For the glory of His name, ask God that He might bless and keep the work of Youth Encounter. Ask that people will continue to meet Jesus through the work of YE. Ask that the story told in these 50 years past might continually issue forth fruit. Ask for 50 years forward.

It reminded me that God hears prayers, all of them, and that each one of us is called to do something in preparation for his kingdom.

– Tysen Bibb (Captive Free East Coast ’02-’03)


Please, join us and give to Youth Encounter today. Give from the gratefulness of your heart and for memories that linger in your mind. Give that others might be transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus.

I wonder if we don’t make giving more complicated than it actually is. In order to give to God, to show the love that we have for him, all we have to do is care about his people. That’s something we can do every day of our lives.

– Sara Berge (Lifeline ’06-’07)


Yes. Tell the old story of Jesus and His love! What greater joy have we as His redeemed people than to join in the cause of His kingdom come on earth?

This Body of Christ I have witnessed is not sedentary. The Bride of Christ is at work. She recognizes the need for the world to know the Savior – and she is responding. This Bride is not deaf to the cries of the fallen world. She realizes that her strength lies in the One who called her. Her only agenda is to love without fear. This Church’s love has the power to expand and rise above language, nationality, race, religion, country lines, and war zones. The Bride of Christ has the victory because she knows who is fighting with her. This Church, the Body of Christ, is spiritually feeding the world.

This Church will not be satisfied until the world is saturated with the Spirit of God. She will not rest until her Bridegroom returns…

We are a part of this beautiful, living Bride of Christ. While we are waiting we will watch and pray. We will respond. We will point the world to the cross and hope in expectation for the world to join us in adoring the King of Kings.

What a privilege we have to enjoy sweet communion with our Savior and with our brothers and sisters from all over the world! Let us rejoice in the calling our Lord has given us. Through the Spirit, who grants us unity, let us continue to proclaim the great message of love that is delivered in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

– Rachel Ringlaben (Kindred ’07-’08)


Finally, I charge you today: share your Youth Encounter story (comment below, tag @youthencounter and #yestory on social media, or invite someone to chat in a private room below). Also, share this post. Doing so will give your friend, family, or fellow teamer the opportunity to recall their stories of involvement with YE.

Share to Facebook. • Share to Twitter. • Email to a friend.

Youth Encounter has long been in service for the Kingdom of Christ, ministering the love of Jesus to the Church on Earth. Join them again today.

God is tracing out a tale full of faith, hope, and love. Let us listen to the telling and engage ourselves in the Spirit’s moving among us now for the glory His name – Jesus. May His grace by yours today.


Youth Encounter Team Journals

Recent Travels of Summer '14

We’ve been traveling of late.

In July I joined a crew from Bethel in visiting the community of Cat Lake, Ontario. (which reminds me that I need to request an edit on my passport) Oddly enough, it was the first time I left the country since having returned from New Dawn’s visit to Hong Kong during the summer of ’08. The visit to Cat Lake was wonderfully blessed. A busy week, to be sure, but wonderfully filled with divine encounters. Our primary purpose was to meet with the children and offer the message of Jesus by way of daily Bible school. In addition to this, we were able to (re)connect with adults and youth in the community. The stories are many. Each evening, we held a devotion over the local radio (complete with worship and prayer). One evening, we joined a few kids at softball practice. There is certainly a weight upon this community and the darkness has done its best to strangle any hope that might rise. But hope is a resilient thing and it is on the move in many hearts. Pray that God might be present in powerful ways for the glory of His name.

We recently returned from a family trip to Indiana. It had been quite a while since we’d visited (since Christmas). Over the past few years, we’ve aimed to make it back to family three to four times per year. However, this year has not seen as many trips. I suppose it may well be due to the fact that we now have two children. Things apparently change with kids. 🙂 It was a joy to see family and to see Aelah & Simeon together with their cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Many thanks to those who gave us a place to say and a meal to eat! Our apologies if we missed seeing you during this trip.

I can’t help but think about this song, as we returned to Minneapolis with the kids. Enjoy they remainder of summer. We are off for a camping trip this weekend.

Filtering the Link Modal Query

A member site I manage has a significant amount of protected content that has a private post status and is made available to members of a specific role via use of the capability read_private_posts. I often want to link to these posts but am unable to easily do so because of the following:

The Limitation

A search of existing content within the Insert/edit link modal returns only published posts.

The Solution

// Add private posts to the queried post status argument
function uamv_link_query_private( $query ) {

    $query['post_status'] = array( 'publish', 'private' );

    return $query;

add_filter( 'wp_link_query_args', 'uamv_link_query_private', 10, 1 );

// Prepend displayed post type with 'Private: '
function uamv_link_query_private_prepend( $results, $query ) {

    foreach ( $results as $key => $result ) {

        if ( 'private' == get_post_status( $result['ID'] ) ) {

            $results[ $key ]['info'] = 'Private: ' . $results[ $key ]['info'];



    return $results;
add_filter('wp_link_query', 'uamv_link_query_private_prepend', 10, 2 );

The wp_link_query_args filter gives control over any arguments passed to the WP_Query class.

The wp_link_query gives control over the following returned results prior to display:

$results = array( 'ID', 'title', 'permalink', 'info' );

This Week In Life

A few things of note …

That’s all. Blessings on your week!

The Sin of Prayerlessness

Have you ever considered prayerlessness as sin? The prayerlessness found in our lives and that which is definitive of many churches is just that – sin.


I think, too often, we consider prayer as a discipline to be mastered. It is nothing of the sort. It is simply a life lived in relationship — an evidence of our faith and our dependence on God. When we live apart from prayer, we live apart from an intimate relationship with God.

You may pray. Even so, it is not in your power to live a life of prayer, just as it is not in your power to reconcile yourself to the Living God. It is a gift. It is by grace. The Lord Himself enables us and impassions us for partaking in the honorable privilege of divine dialogue. Stop trying to pray and abide in Jesus.

Oh, how I need to be reoriented toward this mysterious and wonderful lifeline.

I’ve just begun reading The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray. Here are a few excerpts that have caught my attention. May they also spur you on to some renewed vision of life with Christ.

Mention was made in conference of the expression “strategic position” used so often in reference to the great strife between the Kingdom of Heaven and the powers of darkness.

When a general choose the place from which he intends to strike the enemy, he pays most attention to those points which he thinks most important in the fight. Thus there was on the battle-field of Waterloo a farm-house which Wellington immediately saw was the key to the situation. He did not spare his troops in his endeavor to hold that point: the victory depended on it. So it actually happened. It is the same in the conflict between the believer and the powers of darkness. The Inner Chamber is the place where the decisive victory is obtained.

The enemy uses all his power to lead the Christian, and above all the minister, to neglect prayer. He knows that however admirable the sermon may be, however, attractive the service however faithful the pastoral visitation, none of these things can damage him or his kingdom, if prayer is neglected. When the Church shuts herself up to the power of the Inner Chamber, and the soldiers of the Lord have received on their knees “power from on High,” then the powers of darkness will be shaken, and the souls will be delivered. In the Church, on the Mission-field with the minister and his congregation, everything depends on the faithful exercise of the power of prayer.

Happy is the prayer-hero who, through all, takes care to hold fast and use his weapon. Like our Lord in Gethsemane, the more violently the enemy attacked the more earnestly He prayed. and ceased not till He had obtained the victory.

We can hardly form a conception of the power God will bestow, if only we get freed from the sin of prayerlessness, and pray with the daring which reaches heaven, and in the almighty name of Christ brings down blessing.

Prayer is … above all fellowship with God, and being brought under the power of His holiness and love, till He takes possession of us, and stamps our entire nature with the lowliness of Christ, which is the secret of all true worship.

Have you laid hold of it, my reader? The abundant life is neither more nor less than the full life of Christ as the Crucified, the Risen, the Glorified One, who baptizes with the Holy Ghost, and reveals Himself in our hearts and lives as Lord of all within us.

I read not long since an expression – “Live in what must be.” Do not live in your human imagination of what is possible. Live in the Word – in the love, and infinite faithfulness of the Lord Jesus. Even thought it is slow, and with many a stumble, the faith that always thanks Him – not for experiences, but for the promises on which it can rely – goes on from strength to strength, still increasing in the blessed assurance that God Himself will perfect His work in us.

Grilled Cheese & Hot Cocoa

Sixty-nine years today. We celebrated with a victory meal of grilled cheese & hot cocoa. We even dipped our sandwiches. Aunt Nancy tells it best. (excerpt below)

I will admit there was one combination that even though I loved, I never really understood how the two went together. It was the nights we would have grilled cheese and homemade cocoa made on the stove.

I was always a little grossed out, cause Dad would take his grilled cheese and dip it in the cocoa.

I am interviewing and video taping my dad for his 80th birthday video. He answers most questions by shrugging his shoulders and nodding yes or no…real captivating material! We are talking about his time as a POW. He as usual, does not have much to say. He tells me what they ate. He tells me that they slept on wood bunks and shared blankets. He tells me about a radio that they hid in the latrine. I ask him what the May 8th was like, the day that the war ended. He tells me that they woke up and all the Germans were gone and the gates were open. He tells everyone wanted to go across the street to a barn where they knew the Germans were stockpiling Red Cross packages, but everyone was afraid that it was a trap or a trick that the Germans were playing. He tells me that the trucks come and give them the good news that the War is over. He tells me that they were given their first real meal and they all thought they would eat and eat and eat, but they could hardly finish one sandwich cause their stomachs had shrunk so much. I ask him what they were fed. He tells me “grilled cheese and hot cocoa.”

Thank you, grandpa.

Compassion International

EnaReleasing children from poverty, in Jesus’ name!

Adrienne and I have talked from time to time about sponsoring a child with Compassion International. We’ve held off doing so for a while now, knowing that we wanted Aelah to be at an age where she could be more invested in the relationship. I think it also got pushed to the wayside with the other cares of life vying for our attentions.

Yesterday was Compassion Sunday and I was prompted to revisit our desire to sponsor a child. So, upon returning home, we searched the Compassion site and found Ena, a young girl of six years living in Guatemala, who shares a birthday with Aelah. Her father is a bricklayer and her mother is employed in domestic work. She has three siblings. Thus begins our adventure into sponsorship with Compassion!

Have any thoughts to share with us regarding your experience in sponsoring a child?

Or, if you don’t sponsor a child, we recommend you consider doing so today.

Fellow Workers

Since joining the Prayer League, I have understood the term ‘fellow worker’ to mean, in a sense, ‘one who is working alongside us’. It is a term we use primarily to denote a missionary (in part, for security purposes). He is my fellow worker. She is our fellow worker.

This morning, as I read Oswald Chambers, I was again re-oriented.

For we are God’s fellow workers;  – 1 Corinthians 3:9

It is not of primary significance that we are fellow workers with one another, for even the world can maintain a similar relationship. We are fellow workers of God! Together, under Him, we serve. Let not our focus fail.

Beware of any work for God which enables you to evade concentration on Him. A great many Christian workers worship their work. The one concern of a worker should be concentration on God, and this will mean that all the other margins of life, mental, moral and spiritual, are free with the freedom of a child, a worshipping child, not a wayward child.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

WordCamp Minneapolis

iphoneThis coming Saturday, I will be attending WordCamp Minneapolis for a second year. Additionally, on Sunday, during the WordPress Business Summit brunch (hosted at The Pourhouse), I have the humbling opportunity to give a ten minute lightning talk on behalf of Pressgram, the iOS photo app I’ve been pushing in recent months. I’m excited for the opportunity to teach again, but do ask for your prayers. It has been quite some time since I’ve employed my public speaking and teaching skills. And, this will be my first time officially speaking to business and web development professionals.

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