We are set to leave for Indiana in just a couple hours. Excited to be with family for the holidays. Don’t know that I ever posted this video of Aelah from a couple months back … checking up on the cousins. Look forward to seeing you all soon!
Category / Family

The Toilet Seat Saga
The past day or two have been quite an adventure. In addition to the regular happenings of transitioning to life with two children, we have decided Aelah may be ready for potty training. We began today and are trying the intense 3 day boot camp approach. First, however, we needed a potty seat. Adrienne purchased […]

The Rocking Chairs
If you want a glimpse into the life of Aelah, this is it. Enjoying a Friday afternoon in her room. Note: Click on the first image and you can cycle through with your arrow keys.

Simeon Michael Vandercar
Update #1 • Update #2 • Update #3 • Update #4 At 3:03 pm on October 22, 2013, Simeon Michael Vandercar was born at Woodwinds Hospital in Woodbury, Minnesota. Weighing 8 lbs 11.8 oz and measuring 20 ¾”, he is a handsome young man. It was a beautiful day for a birth. For all you woman-folk, […]
An Invitation…For Us, For You
In June of 2012 our family joined the greater World Mission Prayer League family when the Directorate invited us to become Missionary Candidates. Yesterday, we had the privilege of appearing before the WMPL Home Council and were officially invited to join them, no longer as “candidates,” but as full time Missionaries, currently assigned to the […]
Protected: Aelah: "I Love You"
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Waiting on Baby
It seems like it has come up on us pretty quick (although, Adrienne may say different). Pip II is almost here. This past week or so kind of has us twiddling our thumbs … just waiting. Adrienne has done a good deal of nesting. Full cupboards of food and clean floors. This baby is sure […]
Protected: A Random Assortment of Events
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A New Song
Yes, we have a piano. For some time, I have been wanting to return to the ivories. Periodically, I’ve been checking the craigslist free items. It’s actually quite surprising the number of pianos that are available for the taking. I suppose in an increasingly mobile culture, people get tired of moving pianos. Aelah, having toyed […]
Protected: Ultrasound for Pip II
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Glimpses of Aelah
Flying the kite on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Her flutter-tongue crying — endearing, until she ramps up the intensity. https://vandercar.net/2013/04/AelahCrying.mp3 No stranger to technology, she is learning young … tapping daddy’s iPhone. 3 @hkk e yvyhqwjkdfpxny (Aelah's 1st tweet. #14mo) — Ua Vandercar (@UaMV) April 26, 2013
Pip II
The internets may have told you this day … that a little tittle is on the way. From Minnesota, with love to you … this Vanderclan confirms, aye, quite true! [amen id=”34″]
Protected: 11 Months!
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