
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Author / Joshua Vandercar

In the Church

Prepping for Good Friday service this evening, we were to give Aelah a bath. If you haven’t heard, she’s begun talking (still with much babbling). So, in talking of church and baths, she asked, “Bubbles in the church?” When she caught us laughing, she kept on, “Bubbles in the church?” Then later “Jamas in the […]

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The Light Breaking Through

I took a walk late this afternoon and decided to check the backside of the coach house. We recently had a partial collapse of a wall shared by the Prayer League and our neighboring organization. It calls for quite a restoration. Only after taking this photo did I notice the light breaking through. Pray that […]

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To Beard Or Not To Beard

That is maybe not ‘the’ question, but it is ‘a’ question. And an annual question, at that. I seem to ask myself this same thing every year when holy week rolls ’round. I know … an odd question, especially for the likes of holy week. And, in actuality, it doesn’t often take too much thought […]

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On Hiding Images

Many themes these days have a tendency to prominently feature the featured image of a post. This is good. They are fulfilling their purpose. However, during development of the Pressgram plugin, I came to find that there was a demand, especially in the realm of photoblogging, to strip the image from the post content in […]

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Remembering Baptism

There is a wonder in every way of God. We remember His work wrought in the water two years ago today. It is Aelah’s baptism birthday today. Baptism is one of several, beautiful, God-ordained mysteries that has always tripped me up a bit. Mysteries are like that. This beautiful, simple splashing of water and this […]

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One Contemplative Moment

Once upon a rare moment, you are ushered into a place where reality is inescapable. This morning, for but a few minutes, I (and others) had opportunity to video chat with the Doyle family (Dieter, Angi, Jarryd, Ashley, Judah) and the team they are guiding into an experience of disciple-making mission from their home of […]

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Honing Skills

As you can see from the image and the video, Aelah has been busy honing her skills and exercising both sides of her brain. This morning she was reconstructing the layout of our dining room. Whether she had the mind toward interior design or architectural drafting is yet to be determined. And last night, as […]

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Retreat & Focus

These past two weekends, we have had opportunity for fellowship with folks within the Prayer League community. Both weekends saw us at camps. Last weekend, we traveled to Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp in Iowa for the annual Okoboji mission event and heard stories from our fellow workers serving throughout the world. It was a generationally […]

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Winter On

Winter is still on here in Minnesota. I had to take the Jeep in for repair this morning. The Check Engine light is now returning multiple codes. Took the bus back to the office after dropping the Jeep at Nghia’s. My walk took me by the sculpture garden. A beautiful sight to see fresh snow […]

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The Bibliotaphic Church

I was introduced to a new word this morning … Our favourite book word this week is ‘bibliotaph’, meaning ‘one who buries books by keeping them under lock and key’. — Literary Interest (@InterestingLit) March 19, 2014 One of my first thoughts upon reading this tweet was that Western Christianity has, in too many ways, […]

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Pulling Down Walls

As much as I enjoy poking around the admin of a WordPress site (especially now, as I begin to learn more and more about development), I have just been provided with a tool that will allow me to blog with greater ease. Oftentimes, as I sit down and attempt to write, I find myself distracted […]

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Members: Caps Lock

You may have been aware that, during the past year, I have been plunging somewhat headlong into WordPress development and making a few connections within the community. It’s been exciting and fun, and to be honest, a little addictive. I’ve learned that turning a concept to code can prove to be a complex task. There […]

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