
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Author / Joshua Vandercar

This Is Why I Tweet

Several months ago, I began writing a post titled Social Media Migration, in which I was outlining why I have begun engaging more with folks on Twitter and less with those on Facebook. Among the first reasons listed were a simple & clean interface, focused functionality, content control, and speed. As yesterday came to a close, I […]

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Since our family’s return from Indiana, I’ve encountered a good deal of unproductivity. A full day’s work has been quite elusive. At least no full day according to what I’ve come to know as a standard day in the Prayer League office. Repairing the jeep, mending crippled servers, and any number of other things has interrupted normal operations. […]

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He Must …

Even as Christians, we are prone to look upon our God and wonder, not so much in awe, but in confusion. We may see the world about us and question His sovereignty, our relationship, or any number of other things. Simple trust may seem elusive. “He must not really be a loving God. Look at all the […]

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We spent Saturday night at Whitewater State Park in Altura, MN. This destination had been recommended to us on various occasions and we’d been hoping to get there for the past two to three years. Many thanks to Micah & Christine who reserved a site for the night. Unfortunately, they were unable to make it […]

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His Story Unites Us

For nearly 50 years, Youth Encounter has partnered with Christian communities to strengthen youth ministry. Today, we are able to look back on and celebrate countless stories of transformation within the lives of young people, families, churches, and communities. These are the stories of God at work among His people. Through all, runs the thread of the love of […]

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Recent Travels of Summer '14

We’ve been traveling of late. In July I joined a crew from Bethel in visiting the community of Cat Lake, Ontario. (which reminds me that I need to request an edit on my passport) Oddly enough, it was the first time I left the country since having returned from New Dawn’s visit to Hong Kong during the […]

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Filtering the Link Modal Query

A member site I manage has a significant amount of protected content that has a private post status and is made available to members of a specific role via use of the capability read_private_posts. I often want to link to these posts but am unable to easily do so because of the following: The Limitation […]

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The Sin of Prayerlessness

Have you ever considered prayerlessness as sin? The prayerlessness found in our lives and that which is definitive of many churches is just that – sin.   I think, too often, we consider prayer as a discipline to be mastered. It is nothing of the sort. It is simply a life lived in relationship — an evidence […]

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Grilled Cheese & Hot Cocoa

Sixty-nine years today. We celebrated with a victory meal of grilled cheese & hot cocoa. We even dipped our sandwiches. Aunt Nancy tells it best. (excerpt below) I will admit there was one combination that even though I loved, I never really understood how the two went together. It was the nights we would have grilled […]

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Compassion International

Releasing children from poverty, in Jesus’ name! Adrienne and I have talked from time to time about sponsoring a child with Compassion International. We’ve held off doing so for a while now, knowing that we wanted Aelah to be at an age where she could be more invested in the relationship. I think it also got pushed […]

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Fellow Workers

Since joining the Prayer League, I have understood the term ‘fellow worker’ to mean, in a sense, ‘one who is working alongside us’. It is a term we use primarily to denote a missionary (in part, for security purposes). He is my fellow worker. She is our fellow worker. This morning, as I read Oswald Chambers, […]

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WordCamp Minneapolis

This coming Saturday, I will be attending WordCamp Minneapolis for a second year. Additionally, on Sunday, during the WordPress Business Summit brunch (hosted at The Pourhouse), I have the humbling opportunity to give a ten minute lightning talk on behalf of Pressgram, the iOS photo app I’ve been pushing in recent months. I’m excited for the opportunity to teach again, but do […]

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