
Faith. Family. Writing. Music. Tech.

Tag / jesus

He Must …

Even as Christians, we are prone to look upon our God and wonder, not so much in awe, but in confusion. We may see the world about us and question His sovereignty, our relationship, or any number of other things. Simple trust may seem elusive. “He must not really be a loving God. Look at all the […]

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His Story Unites Us

For nearly 50 years, Youth Encounter has partnered with Christian communities to strengthen youth ministry. Today, we are able to look back on and celebrate countless stories of transformation within the lives of young people, families, churches, and communities. These are the stories of God at work among His people. Through all, runs the thread of the love of […]

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In the Church

Prepping for Good Friday service this evening, we were to give Aelah a bath. If you haven’t heard, she’s begun talking (still with much babbling). So, in talking of church and baths, she asked, “Bubbles in the church?” When she caught us laughing, she kept on, “Bubbles in the church?” Then later “Jamas in the […]

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Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh

During morning prayer and devotions, we sang We Three Kings. It’s been quite some time, I think, since I have heard this song, let alone sung it, let alone sung it in its entirety. Do you know the song? The final verse reads … Glorious now behold Him arise; King and God and sacrifice; Alleluia, Alleluia, […]

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Difficult Prayer

When our Lord Jesus set foot in the garden on the night before His death, it was no easy task that awaited Him. Prayer is difficult. Difficult not easily or readily done; requiring much labor, skill, or planning to be performed successfully hard to understand or solve Do you remember Jesus that night? He had […]

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