Description + FAQ + Screenshots + Plugin Support
Plugin Protector is a light-weight WordPress plugin. It adds a layer of protection when updating and deleting plugins. If you have ever added custom code to a plugin and want to protect against accidentally updating and overwriting your customizations, this plugin will allow you to mark individual plugins as ‘Protected’. When protected, update or deletion requests for a plugin will trigger an admin notice confirming your action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this plugin save customizations I have made to plugins?
No. It only offers you additional protection against deleting or overwriting your customizations.
Can I use Plugin Protector on a multisite install?
Yes, as of Version 0.4, Plugin Protector allows for protection in the network admin of a multisite install.
- Settings Plugin Protections
- Plugins Page & Single Update Notice
- Update Page & Bulk Update Notice
- Overridden Updates
- Delete Notice
Plugin Support
Please, direct support question to the official WordPress Support Forum.